أطلق مشروعك للكوتشنج و دورتك التدريبية

شهرًا من العمل الجماعي جنبًا إلى جنب لأطلاق مشروعك للكوتشنج و دورتك التدريبية
 و توسيع نطاق أعمالك  

...بنهاية هذا البرنامج، ستكون قد


حددت مجال عملك وموضوع الدورة التدريبية


تحققت من صحة برنامجك وبيعه مسبقًا


قمت بتطوير برنامج الماستر كلاس عالي التحويل وأدوات بناء قائمة العملاء


قمت بتسجيل محتوى الدورة التدريبية الأولى بخبرة


قمت بصياغة خطة تسويق عملك والدورة التدريبية


قمت بإنشاء صفحة مبيعات احترافية  لأعمال التدريب ومشروعك الخاص.

...بنهاية هذا البرنامج، ستكون قد


قمت بتطوير برنامج الماستر كلاس عالي التحويل وأدوات بناء قائمة العملاء


تحققت من صحة برنامجك وبيعه مسبقًا


حددت مجال عملك وموضوع الدورة التدريبية


قمت بإنشاء صفحة مبيعات احترافية  لأعمال التدريب ومشروعك الخاص.


قمت بصياغة خطة تسويق عملك والدورة التدريبية


قمت بتسجيل محتوى الدورة التدريبية الأولى بخبرة

إستثمر في مشروعك الآن

كلمات طيبة سمعناها من عملائنا 
ماذا قالوا عن العمل معنا …

I experienced quickly his amazing ability to analyze and produce high-quality ideas and business strategies for a full range of business solutions.

بعد أن كان من دواعي سروري مشاركة الوقت مع كريم في بيئة العقل المدبر، لاحظت بسرعة قدرته المذهلة على تحليل وإنتاج أفكار واستراتيجيات أعمال عالية الجودة لمجموعة كاملة من حلول الأعمال.
يتمتع كريم بالقدرة على التكيف مع أي تدريب أو حل أعمال يتمتع بأعلى مستويات الجودة والخبرة. يعتبر أسلوبه في التدريب وتقديمه استثنائيًا ومتطورًا لاحتياجات العمل اليوم. موصى بة بشدة

Having had the pleasure of sharing time with Karim in a mastermind environment, I experienced quickly his amazing ability to analyze and produce high-quality ideas and business strategies for a full range of business solutions.
Karim has the ability to adjust to any coaching and business solution of the highest quality and experience. His coaching style and delivery are exceptional and cutting edge to today's business needs. Highly recommend

Karim has the ability to adjust to any coaching and business solution of the highest quality and experience.

Paul Rees - Business Coach 

Founder of Accolade Academy, Host of UK Health Radio and TEDx speaker

The 4 TM Course changed my life, changed my mindset and helped me change my inner circle

The 4 TM Course changed my life, changed my mindset and helped me change my inner circle. It changed my capability in dealing with different qualities, it changed so many aspects in my life, I truly believe that this was the best thing that ever happened to me….., 

Emily Snelling - Leadership Coach 


أعتقد حقًا أن هذا كان أفضل شيء حدث لي على الإطلاق ...

I truly believe that this was the best thing that ever happened to me….., 

very dedicated professional who performs 100%

لقد كان من دواعي سروري العمل مع كريم والتعلم منه؛ محترف متفاني للغاية يؤدي أداءً بنسبة 100%. لقد شاهدته يسافر من كندا إلى الأردن (فارق التوقيت 7 ساعات)، وفي اليوم التالي بدأ ورشة عمل للحصول على شهادة مدتها ستة أيام، وكان أداؤه جميلًا طوال الأيام الستة، ثم عاد إلى أوتاوا مباشرة بعد ورشة العمل لمقابلة عائلته ومواصلة التزامات عمله. بسلاسة بعد برنامج مكثف في الأردن ومواجهة اضطراب الرحلات الجوية الطويلة مرتين خلال 8 أيام. إنه 
لمن دواعي سروري العمل مع كريم!

 had the pleasure of working with Karim and learning from him; a very dedicated professional who performs 100%. I witnessed him flying from Canada to Jordan (7 hours time difference), next day started a six-day certification workshop, performed beautifully along the six days, and head back to Ottawa directly after the workshop to meet his family and continue his work commitments seamlessly after a heavy program in Jordan and encountering jet lags twice within 8 days. It is a pleasure working with Karim!

Khalil Boutros - Life Coach 

CEO of Nodj, TEDx Speaker

It's a life changing course which is highly recommended to anyone who wants to go into Coaching and to change lives

Very useful workshop, I learned a lot about mind and behaviour within a workplace as well as how we should communicate with others, I recommend do it for anyone who wants to learn more about behaviour an dhow to improve their interactions.

Nicola Jane Spencer - Life Coach

Life Coach and Corporate Communications Consultant

the amount of effort done in this course is tremendous, they really focused on us as upcoming coaches...

“A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life” -John Woodent 
Being our business coach from days 1, for over 4 years, Karim helped us change our lives.

Baraa Jandali - Leadership Coach

CEO & Co-Founder of REVEAL International

إنها دورة تغير الحياة ويوصى بها بشدة لأي شخص يرغب في الالتحاق بالتدريب وتغيير حياته

It's a life changing course which is highly recommended to anyone who wants to go into Coaching and to change lives

The course delivery method was very efficient because different methods were used throughout the course.
Both the practical and theory sections of the course were great, and they helped to better understanding of the coaching course.

It's a life changing course which is highly recommended to anyone who wants to go into Coaching and to change lives. Simply a step for higher ladder into a life changing career.

Patience Kodohu - Fitness Coach


إن حجم الجهد المبذول في هذه الدورة هائل، لقد ركزوا علينا كمدربين قادمين...

the amount of effort done in this course is tremendous, they really focused on us as upcoming coaches...

It’s going to be life bone for a life changing experience for me, trainers and amount of effort done in this course is tremendous, they really focused on us as upcoming coaches, the amount of energy and boost that we had been given for the past 6 days has given us the space to think on who we really are right now and what are true goals.

Zeina Shennak - Happiness Coach

Director Of Communications And Public Relations at SOH

It’s going to be life bone for a life changing experience for me

كلمات طيبة سمعناها من عملائنا 
ماذا قالوا عن العمل معنا …

I experienced quickly his amazing ability to analyze and produce high-quality ideas and business strategies for a full range of business solutions.

بعد أن كان من دواعي سروري مشاركة الوقت مع كريم في بيئة العقل المدبر، لاحظت بسرعة قدرته المذهلة على تحليل وإنتاج أفكار واستراتيجيات أعمال عالية الجودة لمجموعة كاملة من حلول الأعمال.
يتمتع كريم بالقدرة على التكيف مع أي تدريب أو حل أعمال يتمتع بأعلى مستويات الجودة والخبرة. يعتبر أسلوبه في التدريب وتقديمه استثنائيًا ومتطورًا لاحتياجات العمل اليوم. موصى بة بشدة

Having had the pleasure of sharing time with Karim in a mastermind environment, I experienced quickly his amazing ability to analyze and produce high-quality ideas and business strategies for a full range of business solutions.
Karim has the ability to adjust to any coaching and business solution of the highest quality and experience. His coaching style and delivery are exceptional and cutting edge to today's business needs. Highly recommend

Karim has the ability to adjust to any coaching and business solution of the highest quality and experience.

Paul Rees - Business Coach 

Founder of Accolade Academy, Host of UK Health Radio and TEDx speaker

The 4 TM Course changed my life, changed my mindset and helped me change my inner circle

The 4 TM Course changed my life, changed my mindset and helped me change my inner circle. It changed my capability in dealing with different qualities, it changed so many aspects in my life, I truly believe that this was the best thing that ever happened to me….., 

Emily Snelling - Leadership Coach 


أعتقد حقًا أن هذا كان أفضل شيء حدث لي على الإطلاق ...

I truly believe that this was the best thing that ever happened to me….., 

very dedicated professional who performs 100%

لقد كان من دواعي سروري العمل مع كريم والتعلم منه؛ محترف متفاني للغاية يؤدي أداءً بنسبة 100%. لقد شاهدته يسافر من كندا إلى الأردن (فارق التوقيت 7 ساعات)، وفي اليوم التالي بدأ ورشة عمل للحصول على شهادة مدتها ستة أيام، وكان أداؤه جميلًا طوال الأيام الستة، ثم عاد إلى أوتاوا مباشرة بعد ورشة العمل لمقابلة عائلته ومواصلة التزامات عمله. بسلاسة بعد برنامج مكثف في الأردن ومواجهة اضطراب الرحلات الجوية الطويلة مرتين خلال 8 أيام. إنه 
لمن دواعي سروري العمل مع كريم!

 had the pleasure of working with Karim and learning from him; a very dedicated professional who performs 100%. I witnessed him flying from Canada to Jordan (7 hours time difference), next day started a six-day certification workshop, performed beautifully along the six days, and head back to Ottawa directly after the workshop to meet his family and continue his work commitments seamlessly after a heavy program in Jordan and encountering jet lags twice within 8 days. It is a pleasure working with Karim!

Khalil Boutros - Life Coach 

CEO of Nodj, TEDx Speaker

It's a life changing course which is highly recommended to anyone who wants to go into Coaching and to change lives

Very useful workshop, I learned a lot about mind and behaviour within a workplace as well as how we should communicate with others, I recommend do it for anyone who wants to learn more about behaviour an dhow to improve their interactions.

Nicola Jane Spencer - Life Coach

Life Coach and Corporate Communications Consultant

the amount of effort done in this course is tremendous, they really focused on us as upcoming coaches...

“A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life” -John Woodent 
Being our business coach from days 1, for over 4 years, Karim helped us change our lives.

Baraa Jandali - Leadership Coach

CEO & Co-Founder of REVEAL International

إنها دورة تغير الحياة ويوصى بها بشدة لأي شخص يرغب في الالتحاق بالتدريب وتغيير حياته

It's a life changing course which is highly recommended to anyone who wants to go into Coaching and to change lives

The course delivery method was very efficient because different methods were used throughout the course.
Both the practical and theory sections of the course were great, and they helped to better understanding of the coaching course.

It's a life changing course which is highly recommended to anyone who wants to go into Coaching and to change lives. Simply a step for higher ladder into a life changing career.

Patience Kodohu - Fitness Coach


إن حجم الجهد المبذول في هذه الدورة هائل، لقد ركزوا علينا كمدربين قادمين...

the amount of effort done in this course is tremendous, they really focused on us as upcoming coaches...

It’s going to be life bone for a life changing experience for me, trainers and amount of effort done in this course is tremendous, they really focused on us as upcoming coaches, the amount of energy and boost that we had been given for the past 6 days has given us the space to think on who we really are right now and what are true goals.

Zeina Shennak - Happiness Coach

Director Of Communications And Public Relations at SOH

It’s going to be life bone for a life changing experience for me

فلتبدأ في تصميم قصة نجاحك ، فأنت قصة النجاح التالية  

 اضغط على الرابط أدناه و ردد معي 
نعم أنا قصة النجاح التالية
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